Satisfaction Survey

Satisfaction Survey

Dear Sir,

Our Continuous Improvement Works, which we carry out in order to reach quality standards and contribute to the rise of the modern line of the sector, will gain strength with your suggestions, wishes and demands. We hope that you will answer the following questions sincerely and we wish you continued contribution.

We thank you for your interest and offer our respects.


Please evaluate by scoring from 1 to 5.

Very good = 5
Good = 4
Medium = 3
Bad = 2
Very bad = 1

1-) Do you think the information given to you about our company is enough?
2-) Do you think the information given to you about our products is enough?
3-) Do you use our product catalogues ?
4-) Does our company have sensitive and flexible attitude to your requests?
5-) Do you think that the offers are prepared on time?
6-) Do you think our company is enough for your technical requests?
6-) Do you think our company is enough for your technical requests?
8-) How balanced is the price / quality of your purchased transformer?
9-) How balanced is the product / quality of your purchased transformer?
10-) Are your complaints handled immediately and effectively?
11-) Could you get the product you ordered on time?
12-) How satisfied are you with our after-sales support service?
13-) Are you informed about the periodic maintenance and control of our products?
14-) Is ELTAS AŞ a supplier you always want to work for?
15-) How long have you been working with us?
16-) Quality of Product
17-) Price and Terms of Payment
18-) Sales Personel Performance
19-) Timely Delivery
20-) After Sales Service
21-) Technical Support, Consultation
22-) Reliability
23-) Flow of Information